Saturday 7 February 2015

Magical touch....

The story  is held in Pune(maharashtra) which was also known as Punyanagari...A boy in his early twenties was sent to remote location as part of his job.He was for the first time going to a city which was completely unknown for him.Loneliness prevailed along with detorating health condition.He was feeling dizzy one fine day.
He asked his friend to take him to doctor and on the way he called his mom as he was more attached to mom.But to his hard luck she was busy in her workplace, she couldnt pick up his calls.To the basic instinct a child would naturally remember his mom during the crisis.He was feeling like if his mother was here at the very moment.He wished that had god being listening to his plea, his mother would have been there for 10minutes,but deep inside he knew that it was impossible. Till the time he was thinking about this he had already reached dispensary with his friend.While he was sitting there, he saw a lady sitting besides him, asking his friend about what has happened to this boyand gathering all the possible details.The receptionist had already told that the appointment was after 10 mins. And suddenly he could hear few golden words by the woman sitting besides him "how are you feeling now?".. the boy just nodded indicating that he was not fine...
She started asking him that son can i touch your head ? and he was waiting for the same "magical touch" from his mother when this came his way.
Now he was kind of puzzled amongst his dizziness.. and he said "yyess" She gently started massaging his head, just as if he was her own child and he started feeling better without even the doctor touching him.Then she started saying about her child who was in U.S who also looked like him and showed him the photo.
Though the photo didnt have any resembelance to the boy, maybe it seemed so as he was not in the best of health. But the touch for him was just Magical like his mother's.

the boy went to the doctor....Returning from the doctor he didnt find the women.....

Not knowing what exactly it was whether god sending an angel for his help or just a mere coincidence....

The incident written is real one and the boy in the said story is none other than the author of this post.I dont know the lady and where did she come from, but she was there when i was in dire need of my mom.

                  Thats the time i felt the power of that three letters  MOM .

Nothing else can i say about the magical touch other that the phrase:

"There is an instinct in a woman to love most her own child — and an instinct to make any child who needs her love, her own. ~Robert Brault"

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